Welcome to my website

Hey everyone! You're on my website, and I hope you'll find what you want here.

I created this website to be able to post my different works somewhere. So, on this website will be different kind of content. There will be posts about music (violin, piano arrangment), but also post about 3d creation/modelisation with blender, or posts about programming and computer use.

You can check all the content on the website by clicking on Posts, and/or filter by settings some tags to filter the results.

I made a post here to explain a bit how works this website.

For now, the website is still a bit empty, but don't hesitate to ask me if there is something you want (about me, or my work). You can also check my github page here: Smiley32.

To be able to post a comment, you must first register. You don't have to enter any personal information (and you shouldn't).

With similar tags: